This is Sara and Gerald...engagements were so much fun and we charted some new territory location wise...
This is Erica, class of 2010 and boy were we lucky to cross this '55 Ford Farlane (hope I spelled that correctly)! It's like the dress she wore was just made for the car.
Her awesome peeps...
This is the sweet Bruce family and boy, were the twins on the move this time around! How fun it was to watch them interact with big bro Matthew.
I put this one in there for fun to show you what happened for most of the session...running!
I can't believe Jake is 4 months now! He is usually a very smiley baby but that day, man he just grimaced at me!
The spring season has definitely sprung....busy busy busy! This is Kristen, class of 2010--what a fantastic session this was!
This is Jack...he's 7 months old and was a very smiley baby, at least in the beginning! His home is just a photographer's playland with so many antique pieces of furniture and wood flooring.
This is Ben, class of 2010! He and I share some battle scars of therapy recently...yikes!