Friday, December 12, 2008

Snow in Richmond, TX

There's only one reason it's been a month since I have posted to the portrait season has arrived and is nearly finished. No photos have gone up either because the families have asked me not to share the photos that were designed into their Christmas cards or because I literally do not have another minute in the day to keep it up. A few more nights of opening boxes at 11pm...
Our flurries on Wednesday turned into a very small bit of accumulation. Here's the proof! I know some of my northern state relatives think this looks like a dusting of confectionate sugar BUT it's big news to us living 30 min. SW of Houston! Mikey tried some and said it tasted like a chicken nugget. Here's our trampoline...

Friday, November 14, 2008

the Dulin family

What fun we had out at Cafe' Marjie this morning! The fog didn't stop us. I got to meet Rose, the family squirrel-loving doggie too. And wow, Mr. Tanner has surely reached the great portrait age of 4! whoo hooo

Tuesday, November 11, 2008

It's cookie time!

Can you imagine the fun that happened at the Hackradt house this morning? This was the highlight of my day for sure...loving those aprons too! Their card will be the talk of the town and I can just see Lola and Lexi looking at this card 20 years from now and wanting to make these special memories with their children.

Sunday, November 09, 2008

Despite the clouds...

It was so unbelievably cloudy and threatening rain Thursday morning but we decided to take our chances out at George Ranch. What fun it was to spend time getting to know the Richards family! I just love little boys and the way they ALL have their own agendas. I could just see my two doing the same things these two were! I loved their bold colors too.

Thursday, November 06, 2008

Couldn't forget this really great one!

Katelynn at George Ranch

Here she is ya'll...Carlino's very first Class of 2009 senior! We definitely started with some crazy good images. I was honored to meet her show heifer, Maria.

Tuesday, November 04, 2008

Princess & Frogs

I just have to brag about this skirt from Princess and Frogs. It just so happens that this little princess's mom owns P&F and I absolutely cannot wait to see what clothing she chooses for her own family. Check out the website and be prepared to buy!

Sunday, November 02, 2008

the Watson family

The outstanding sessions just kept comin' this week and weekend. I had such a hard time picking a select few to blog post for the Watsons last night on Morton St. They are my first official family to do the "street couch" phenomenon which I predict will be crazy good in the future...

Olivia is two!

I wish I had half of Olivia's personality! She is fun, spirited, and so sweet. Mom and dad definitely will have their hands full when the teen years come! haha She just loves life and reminds us all to do the same.

Greyson and family

Greyson is 8 months now and trying to move everywhere. He has such personality with the sounds he makes! Can you even resist this face?

Drew is on the move!

There is no stopping Drew truly have to chase him in the opposite direction to even get near him! Can't show you those great family moments is saving them for the custom designed holiday card!

the Webster family (dogs too!)

I had so much fun getting to know this family and what a pleasure they were to photograph! Loving the fact they brought Jack and Daisy too...

Friday, October 31, 2008

My guys tonight...

We have an electrician and a bio chemist this year! Too cute!

Thursday, October 30, 2008

the Thorburns

Can you say "bundle of energy?" I just love this family and the fact that they were open to having fun right at their own home. I wish I could show all the fun moments we had but here's a few of my favorites. You can see the progression of the first three images and I just love shooting moments like this. It's so real and relates exactly to what they do with their boys during this phase in their lives. Go Thorburns!

Marla & Brian's wedding

I loved photographing the browns and fall colors from last Saturday! Marla's dress was an antique toned stunning gown that she wore crazy good... Have fun in the Dominican Republic this week ya'll!